LuckyoneUI - The ElvUI Edit

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Minimalistic plugin and layout installer for ElvUI

Always up-to-date for the latest ElvUI changes

Custom presets for DPS, Tanks & Healers

Discord server for support and social chats

Focus on high-end Mythic+ and Raiding


ElvUI tags for detailed unit health information

ElvUI tags for healer mana and unit classification

Options to disable rather annoying Blizzard features

Options to clear AddOn cache which will speed up your loading time

Options to configure performance related and hidden Blizzard settings

Toggles for Blizzards cosmetic on-screen ffx effects and other visuals

WeakAuras import strings for select specs and general utility



BossMods: BigWigs, LittleWigs

NamePlates: Plater, ElvUI NamePlates

AddOns: Details, OmniCD, WarpDeplete

Plugins: AddOnSkins, ProjectAzilroka, Shadow&Light, WindTools

Chat commands

/luckyoneui install - Re-Run the installer process

/luckyoneui config - Opens the ingame options

/luckydebug on - Disables all AddOns except ElvUI and LuckyoneUI for troubleshooting

/luckydebug off - Re-Enables all AddOns disabled by the command above

/vault or /weekly - Open your great vault to check weekly progress

Required AddOns

The most recent ElvUI version. You need to stay up-to-date.

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Luckyone WeakAuras

All my public import strings will be shared and updated on wago

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Luckyone on Twitch and YouTube

Raiding and Mythic+ content. Balance Druid PoV most of the time.

Twitch link (Redirect to

YouTube link (Redirect to